Hunter Mountain Report


(Great to ski but not worth a wasting a picture..)

Questions - question - questions...
Why is it so warm? Where is the snow? Why aren't the snow guns on? Has ULLR foresaken us?

We had no time for questions on Friday and Saturday. There was enough snow to ride and the chair was running. There would be plenty of time for questions at night - basking in the warm November night, smoking a cigar on the porch of Tequillas.

The mountain was great on Friday - nice weather. Just some rocks sticking up on Hellgate and 7th Ave. Skiing to the F or hiking back down to the Quad after hitting Kennedy.

Saturday was another story. The mountain was socked in with a nasty snow grabbing fog. It didn't take long for the mountain bike trails to show through melting snow. We actually went over to the Belt for a run. The Belt was nice with lots of snow for about 2/3 of the trail, then it got ugly. But it was nice to get on something flat. Around noon the rumour started going around that today was indeed the last day of skiing. It came as no suprise.

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